Change in Position Value Summary

This section shows the changes in your positions sorted by asset class (Stocks, Equity and Index Options, Futures, and so on), then by currency from the beginning of the statement period to the end of the period. The Base Currency Summary always appears at the top of each asset class section.

Changes in position value are due to transactions, changes in market prices and, for multiple currencies, translation gains and losses to the base currency.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The currency denomination.
Asset Class The asset class.
Prior Period Value The prior period's value for the asset class.
Transactions The total difference between sales and purchases of the asset class.
MTM PNL Prior Period Positions The total MTM P/L on prior period of the asset class.
MTM PNL Transactions The total MTM P/L on transactions of the asset class.
Corporate Actions The total amount of corporate actions.
Accounts Transfers The total amount of account transfers.
Linking Adjustments If an account is linked mid-period, cash balances and/or equity balances for the report date prior to the linking date are included as Linking Adjustments. If an account is de-linked mid-period, cash balances and/or equity balances for the de-linking date are included as Link Adjustments. (values are negated)
FX Translation PNL Because FX translation rates change from period to period, there will be differences in the translated base currency balances.
Future Price Adjustments The total amount of future price adjustments.
Settled Cash The total amount of settled cash at the end of the statement period.
End of Period Value The ending value of the asset class.